Sunday 24 January 2010

Internet for English Teaching by Warschauer, Shetzer & Meloni

This article introduces a set of pedagogy-related principles which Warscauer et. al. believe Internet can serves a variety of uses for language teaching and the learning opportunities of our students. The authors classify these principles under 'Learning Goals', 'Teaching Guidelines' and 'Planning Tips'. In terms of Learning Goals, they say that teachers should help students.

The authors define 'Learning goals', namely:
-master new technologies in active and creative ways
-develop autonomous learning strategies
-learn collaborative communication and teamwork skills
-learn in a variety of cultural contexts
-develop critical thinking skills

The Teaching Guidelines are intended to help you organize your classes to achieve the above Learning Goals. The authors classify them under five headings, namely:
Dual Immersion (where students are immersed in learning the skills of language AND technology simultaneously)
Integration (where computers are fully integrated into the curriculum)
Project-Based Learning
Student-Centred Learning
Learning With a Purpose

The list of planning tips is extensive. Perhaps the most useful and relevant tip for me is the one about creating a computer and Internet access for ESL students a secure platform from which to begin their Web-browsing activities. Other useful tips include having students work in groups in a one-computer classroom and focussing on e-mail when students are conducting Internet projects in low-tech environments.

To conclude, teachers who utilise a range of new tecnology for language teaching purposes, will or should evaluate the approiateness of approaches and assess the advantages and limitations of particular technological tools from time to time as to enhance classroom language teaching.

Warschauer, M., Shetzer, H., & Meloni, C. F. (2000). Internet for English teaching: TESOL Alexandria, VA. [Chapter 7]


  1. I read the same part as you.

  2. I also read this section. The section I found useful to my authentic teaching is the five teaching guardlines.
