Monday 26 April 2010

Technology intesting: the present and the future. by Alderson, J.C.(2000)

According to the article, there are technical, adminstrative and pedagogical advantages of using CBTs over paper-and-pencil tests. They include immediate student feedback, personalised testing, increased options for test administration,the storing enormous amounts of data for research purposes,a nd increased test security through test item randomization.
The disadvantages of computer-based testing include the possiblity of bias against computer illiterate individuals, limitations in technology which do not allow for accurate assessment of productive language skills.The author concludes his article by asking questions for future researchers. I think any assessment should take in consideration its relavancy, accuracy, objectivity and coverage. I wonder the 'self-assessment' is unknown practice in Hong Kong classrooms. How would the candidates feel about the second set of test? How do users percieve the contrast between self-assessment and 'normal'assessment? We need more research into the impact of technology on learning and IT-based assessment in enhancing teaching and learning.

Levy, M. (1997). Theory-Driven CALL and the Development Process. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 10(1), 41-56.Levy, M. (1997).

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